Thursday, August 9

Universityland, and gee these toilets seem to be well suited for my needs

Im typing this from McDonalds. I just ate an egg McMuffin, a hash brown and a mango smoothie, to avoid feeling guilty for stealing their Wifi. Seriously contemplating getting rid of it, but I have been walking a lot as of late... Ugh.

I return from Universityland tonight, and I'll try to give a big huge update post this weekend, since, despite the lack of comments, the page views are leading me to believe someone is reading this.

Saturday, August 4

They say you aren't supposed to drink soda because it rots your teeth...

... But I accidentally wolfed down a few cans when I was binging. So naturally, I threw them up, as not to piss off my dentist. Because puking is just great for you teeth :)

Friday, August 3

I want nothingness

Tried to puke up my lunch at the office today but I felt like everyone could hear me--- even in a semi private washroom. Nothing would come up. I kept pressing flush and then shoving my fingers down my throat but I think I'm just not really ready to puke Publicly. So I have at least 1500 icky awful puss yellow calories rotting inside me now and I want them out out out out out. I hate myself so much, I don't even know what to do. I don't deserve the releifof suicide because my little brother needs a big sister but I dread waking up each morning still this girl in this wrong body. I shower with my eyes shut and wince when I bend over and catch a peek at my bubbling thighs. I just need to get out of this body right now. I can't live another moment in here...

My weights probably a mess so I won't look until I leave for my quick trip to University Land on Monday morning and again on my first morning back, which is Friday the 10th.

August goals, since everyone's doing them: be 120lbs by August 11th, be 115lbs by the end of August. Clear up my skin and dye my hair and piece my nose and pack and buy a cheap new cardigan before I move to University Land on the 24th. Learn to be strong and brave and independent. Get this fucking anxiety shit under control because I'm pretty sure I'm having heart palpitations a few times a day but I don't want to go to a doctor-- they only want to hurt me. Stop being fat and ugly and boring and shy and stupid and immature and self centered and cowardly and repulsive.

I want to be light enough by the first snow that when I step out into a patch of virgin white, I will leave no prints where my boots have been. I want to be weightless, invisible. Nothingness.