Sunday, July 22

Is it weird that I am afraid bring my virginity to university?

Short term goal: 115 by September fourth, my first day of university classes. Longer term goal: underweightness, which is apparently 115 at my height, so I will shoot for 105. By November second, my high school graduation ceremony. I don't know why they do it in November, instead of June, like normal schools. Today I was terribly hung over, which ment I ate delightfully little for the first half of the day. If this is how it works with hangovers, I may not be doomed for the freshman fifteen this year. I had half a 12" veggie burrito around 1:30 this afternoon because I got my second ear holes pierced and I was a little bit beyond spectacularly dizzy. At 6, I had a small veggie spring roll and a side order sized carton of veggie fried noodles. The grease is still rotting my insides. I need to start learning lessons. On the way home from work, I had another quarter of my burrito. Beverages: 2L water. So, if I'm being generous, I might have been around the 1000cal mark. Okay, so I have forty-four days to lose about ten pounds. So I need to have a deficit of 800 calories a day. Playing nice, I'll pretend today was exactly 1000calories, and I spent the afternoon on my feet at work. My bmr is probably around 1400 calories, and with yoga classes and a busy life, my dcr is probably about 2000. So I can get away with... 1200 calories a day, if my body isn't going tone stupid and bitchy and never letting go of a single fucking ounce of fat, as per usual...

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