Monday, July 23

Safe Foods

Today I took my baby brother for a two hour stool, burning about 300 calories at my level of fatness. Breakfast was two chocolate chip waffles, lunch was a bowl of corn, baby carrots and tomato sauce, and I snacked on rice cakes and mustard. So input minus output: so far, 225ish. Probably 300 more for dinner, and another 100 calorie snack of rice cakes (hopefully with salsa this time). Or maybe a tofu thing, which is 90. I want to finish today with an input of 1000 calories. And I need to buy more laxies. It's been a year since I used those for their magic properties and chances are I will fuck up badly soon and need them. Laxies are like the friend that will pick you up anywhere when you're drunk and in trouble. In other news, I have been thinking as of late about the foods that trigger what society considers to be disordered eating. For me, it's diet Pepsi lime, Campbells light garden minestrone, Quaker plain rice cakes, salsa, celery sticks, cheap green tea and those tiny chocolate chips as rewards or saviors from drowning blood sugar levels. Also, five calorie Jello, frozen grapes and cups of ice. If anyone is reading this, what are your trigger foods, or your 'safe' foods?

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