Sunday, July 22

Rachel McAdams and the return of my baby brother

so today... started off the day with the last quarter of the veggie burrito,a quarter cup of barbequed mixed potatoes, a quarter of a cucumber, and litre of tea. lunch... 2 tablespoons of roasted red pepper hummus, 10 small heads of broccoli and another quarter of a cucumber. and i`m workin on nother litre of tea before i leave for work. the other day i had c and p over for a little drunk movie night, since my parents were in germany for two weeks, returning today. anywwho, we were browsing netflix and i commented on rachel mcadams being so beautiful and exactly what a woman should look like. they disagreed, saying shes way too skinny and without curves. i dont know. i really dont agree, i would love to look like her. Edit: snacked on half a cup of yogurt, two different snack bars and some tea through the day. Dinner was a quarter cup cous cous, sliced tomato and a half cup of frozen peas. Probably finished around 900-1000, which I'm mostly happy with. Drank 2.5L of plain tea today, and tomorrow I'll aim for three or four. The family returned today but was asleep by the times finished work. The six hour time difference for them is going to make the next few days hard for everyone. Can wait to see my baby brother in the morning <3

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