Sunday, July 17

Reason #3492 to lose weight: Sex.

I had a lovely weekend up north, although my calorie count wasnt exactly worthy of praise. Friday was around 1400, and I'm guessing Friday was around 1500. Today I will do better. For breakfast, at around 1pm, I had a container of Activia yogurt (110), a tbsp of granola (28), a peach (38) and an apricot (17). Total: 193. Lunch was 15 baby carrots (53), cucumber (11) and a Diet Pepsi (0). I also had a bowl of Life cereal (104) and Biobest yogurt (89) topped with canned pineapple (37). Days total: 487 calories.

My weekend was pretty good. I sun tanned a little on Friday afternoon and hung out in my grandmothers hot tub. Mmmmmm hot tubbing. Saturday was the family picnic, which ment lots of snack food around all day. I made my mom get plenty of healthy stuff, so I at least over ate on healthy shit. But yeah, 1500 on Saturday.

Weighed myself on my grandmothers scale this morning. Its an analog scale, I was in my pajamas, and I didn't use the bathroom yet = innacurate reading. Especially the analog part, cause it was really hard to read standing up, so I was sort of weighing myself squatting. Lame. But the magic number on the scale was 125 lbs. I hope its true, because thats two pounds down from my last weigh-in and another goal met. Lets just pretend the number is real, so I am only ten pounds away from having to make more goals.

I have been thinspo-crazy the past few days. Hungrymunchie = look at thinspo until the cravings to eat turn into a compultion to exercise. So here are some pictures for you lovelies.

To be vulnerable, to let people see the pain you feel inside,

To walk up to the big bad wolf and tell him to open wide.

Everything that hurts will feel better when I'm beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have the best weekend either calorie wise but we'll get back on track. We just have to stay strong.

